Magnetic resonance imaging in visualization of structural changes in the pelvic organs in women of reproductive age with Infertility

Sergienya O.V., Ukho E.A., Pavlovskaya E.A., Fokin V.A., Trufanov G.E.

Purpose. Improving the diagnosis of structural changes in the pelvic organs in women with infertility based on the pelvis MRI. Materials and methods. A total of 85 women with infertility were examined. The age of the patients varied between 21-33 years. Results. 36 women were given pelvis MRI scans and no pathologies were found. MRI pelvis scan of 49 women revealed some pathologies: congenital abnormalities in 8 cases (16,3%); endometriosis was detected in 26 cases (53,06%) (adenomyosis in 5 cases; external genital endometriosis in 12 cases: combined endometriosis in 9 cases; 7 women (14,2%) were diagnosed leiomyomas and 8 women (16,3%) polycystic ovary syndrome. Conclusion. MRI scan helped to determine developmental abnormalities of the re-productive tract of women which could explain their infertility or the diseases they had. MRI semeiology of the visualized pathologies is characterized by the found congenital abnormali-ties of the women, benign growths in the wombs and adnexa, different forms of endometriosis.
Almazov National Medical Research Centre. Saint Petersburg, Russia.







Keywords:magnetic resonance imaging, infertility, endometriosis, leiomyoma, ovarian formation.


Corresponding author:Sergienya O. V., e-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript .


For citation: Sergienya O.V., Ukho E.A., Pavlovskaya E.A., Fokin V.A., Trufanov G.E. Magnetic resonance imaging in visualization of structural changes in the pelvic organs in women of reproductive age with infertility. REJR 2018; 8(1):119-128. DOI:10.21569/2222-7415-2018-8-1-119-128.

Received: 07.12.2017 Accepted: 29.12.2017