Radiological methods in diagnostics of focal liver lesions.
Aleksandrova K.A., Serova N.S., Rudenko V.I., Kapanadze L.B.
Urolithiasis (ICD) is one of one the most actual health problem in the world. The significant prevalence of urolithiasis in the population (at least 5% of the population in industrially de-veloped countries) forces us to constantly investigate the etiology and pathogenesis, look for effective prevention mechanisms, improve diagnostic methods and develop new technologies for conservative and operative treatment. The relevance of urolithiasis in connection with global demographic shifts has become especially important in recent years. The constant dis-placement of the age pyramid of the developed countries society towards the proportion of el-derly and senile populations leads to an increase in the ICD frequency. The development of endoscopic equipment, the creation of new contact lithotripotors improving the methods of nephrolithotripsy have made it possible to solve the problem of ICD. Currently, one of the topical issues is the choice of diagnostic method to predict and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment in patients with ICD. Studies have shown that uro-lithiasis directly affects intracellular hemodynamics. The change in renal blood flow in ICD patients depends on the nature of urodynamic disturbances, localization and size of the cal-culus, the duration of the disease, the presence of complications and the age of the patient. Therefore, evaluation of perfusion is necessary in studying of kidney function. |
I.M. Sechenov First Мoscow State Medical University (Sechenov Uni-versity). Moscow, Russia. |
Keywords:urolithiasis, distant shockwave lithotripsy, US with contrast enhancement, MSCT, US Dop-pler, MRI, MSCT-perfusion.
Corresponding author:Aleksandrova K.A., e-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript
For citation: : Aleksandrova K.A., Serova N.S., Rudenko V.I., Kapanadze L.B. Assessment of kidney perfu-sion in patients with urolithiasis using radiological methods. REJR 2018; 8(4):208-219. DOI:10.21569/2222-7415-2018-8-4-208-219.
Received: 08.09.18 Accepted: 28.10.18