Vostrov A.N., Stepanov S.O., Mitina L.A., Novikova E.G.,

Malsagova Kh.R., Kaprin A.D.

Borderline ovarian tumors that comprise 15-20% of all epithelial ovarian tumors were first described by Taylor in 1929. These tumors, which have relatively favorable course, are usually limited to the ovary. Our study summarizes ultrasound exam results from 82 patients diagnosed with borderline ovarian tumor who were getting complex treatment.

Purpose. To improve primary and qualifying diagnosis of borderline ovarian tumors.

Materials and Methods. This study was based on the analysis of ultrasound exam results from 82 patients with borderline ovarian tumors. The patients were aged from 15 to 58 years, with a mean age of 40.2 ± 1.5 years. In each case ultrasound exam of abdominal cavity, pelvis (with Doppler ultrasound), retroperitoneal space (para-aortic area, areas of common, internal, and external iliac arteries), supraclavicular regions, and inguinal regions was performed.

Results. Ovarian lesions were unilateral in 59 cases (72%) and bilateral in 23 cases (28%). In all cases the affected ovary was enlarged (ranging from 52х40х45 mm to 97х85х110 mm). Based on the above mentioned exam results we have classified borderline ovarian tumors in three echographic categories: solid tumors (19.5%), solid cystic tumors (25.6%), and cystic tumors (54.9%). Intra-tumor hemodynamic characteristics were similar to such in ovarian cancer.

Conclusion. Ultrasound exam is an effective diagnostic aid for borderline ovarian tumors. It also helps to differentiate borderline ovarian tumors from ovarian cancer. Conclusion should be based on gray scale real-time ultrasound imaging, medical history, and clinical evidence. Final diagnosis of borderline ovarian tumor can be made only with histologic examination.


P. A. Hertsen Moscow Oncology Research

Center, branch of Medical Radiological Research Center of Ministry of Health of Russian


Moscow, Russia


Keywords: ultrasound diagnosis, ultrasound exam, borderline ovarian tumor, ovarian cancer.


Corresponding author:  Vostrov A.N., e-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript


For citation: Vostrov A.N., Stepanov S.O., Mitina L.A., Novikova E.G., Malsagova Kh.R., Kaprin A.D. Ultrasound diagnosis of borderline ovarian tumors: literature data and authors’ research. REJR 2020; 10(4):139-148. DOI:10.21569/2222-7415-2020-10-4-139-148.

Received:       09.11.20 Accepted:     02.12.20