Kasetti P.1, Botchu R.2
The age of AI and ‘thinking machines’ is beckoning and will soon become a component of a medic’s toolbox when providing optimised patient-centred care. AI will have an impact on all medical fields but perhaps most prominently in the radiology department through image-recognition tasks. Thus, it is fundamental that the next generation of doctor’s are made aware and prepared for this dynamic advancement. Material and methods. We performed a survey of 100 medical students in UK to gauge their perception of AI in medicine and radiology in particular. These included reporting of radiographs, MRI, CT and whether AI was a factor in choosing their subspecialty. Results. There was mixed response with majority being aware of the role of AI in medicine and radiology. However a significant proportion of medical students were oblivious to significant effect of AI in future. Conclusion. This short article exposes and analyses the awareness of 100 UK medical students towards AI in medicine and radiology through an online survey. We have individually assessed and evaluated each question and the corresponding responses. |
1 - Imperial College. London, UK. 2 - Royal Orthopaedic Hospital. Birmingham, UK. |
Keywords: AI, radiology, medical imaging.
Corresponding author: Botchu R., e-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript
For citation: Kasetti P., Botchu R. The impact of artificial intelligence in radiology: as perceived by medical students. REJR 2020; 10(4):179-185. DOI:10.21569/2222-7415-2020-10-4-179-185.
Received: 09.06.20 Accepted: 22.09.20