Dubrova S.E.1, Chumakova Yu.V.1,2, Kislov M.A.3, Korotenko O.A.2, Serova N.S.3

Purpose. Pre-sectional identification/exclusion of the injury volume, visualization of bone trauma of a mummified child with the 3D-model reconstruction and fixation of the initial data in the electronic format.

Materials and methods. The article presents a case from the practice of using the method of computer tomography (CT) of the remains of a mummified corpse of a newborn child extracted from a secret burial (the term of air burial is about 50 years).

Results. The results obtained during computed tomography were compared with the results of the autopsy. Visual CT images helped with fixation of the body position during burial, bone trauma, postmortem manipulations.

Conclusion. The possibility of using CT scans on skeletons with poor preservation of bone tissue allowed not only to fix the original position of the remains, but also to establish fractures of the skull and ribs, which made it possible to speculate on the cause of death of the child.


1 - Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute.

2 - The Department of Forensic Medicine of Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute.

3 - I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University).

Moscow, Russia.



Keywords: postmortem computed tomography, mummification, bone trauma, virtopsy.


Corresponding author:  Kislov M. A., e-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript


For citation: Dubrova S.E., Chumakova Yu.V., Kislov M.A., Korotenko O.A., Serova N.S. Post-mortem computer tomography of the mummified сorpse of a child. REJR 2020; 10(4):264-270. DOI:10.21569/2222-7415-2020-10-4-264-270.


Received:       21.08.20 Accepted:     22.09.20