Zelter P.M.1, Surovcev E.N.1,2, Kolsanov A.V.1, Zeleva O.V.1, Sidorov Е.А.1, Ivanova O.V.1,

Pyshkina Yu.S.1, Tsoy A.V.1


Purpose. The analysis of CT and MR patterns of rhinoorbitocerebral mucormycosis (ROCM) among patients with type 2 diabetes (T2D) after COVID-19.

Materials and methods. The study included 11 patients with confirmed COVID-19 and invasive ROCM in the long-term period. CT examinations were performed on Revolution EVO CT scanner (GE, Russia) and MRI on Aera MR scanner 1.5 T (Siemens, Germany).


Results. We report several CT and MR patterns for a series of patients: involvement of paranasal sinuses, orbits, optic nerves, large arteries; intracranial spread; involvement bones of cranial base. The features of differential diagnosis and recommendations for standard protocols are presented.

Conclusion. CT of paranasal sinuses is the method of choice for suspected fungal infections. MRI is recommended if there is a suspicion of orbital, vascular, and intracranial complications or cavernous sinus extension. The combination of both methods makes it possible to showed soft tissue invasion and bony destruction to choose optimal medical tactics ROCM.

1 - Samara State Medical University. Samara, Russia.

2 - Berezin Sergey Medical Institute. Tolyatti, Russia.

Keywords: coronavirus infection, COVID-19, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, mucormycosis, paranasal sinus, maxillary sinuses.


Corresponding author: Pyshkina Yu.S., e-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript .


For citation: Zelter P.M., Surovcev E.N., Kolsanov A.V., Zeleva O.V., Sidorov Е.А., Ivanova O.V., Pyshkina Yu.S., Tsoy A.V. Radiology of rhinoorbitocerebral mycormycosis in patients after COVID-19. REJR 2022; 12(4):5-21. DOI: 10.21569/2222-7415-2022-12-4-5-21.

Received:        07.01.22 Accepted:       10.08.22