Arzhantsev A.P.


National Medical Research Center

«Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Oral Surgery». Moscow, Russia.


The radiological characteristics of congenital and acquired dental anomalies, occurring in 15,5% – 79,3% of the population, are presented. Dental anomalies have a variety of radiological manifesta-tions: atypical structure, position, number, shape, size, eruption. Anomalies can be isolated, combined from several anomalies, combined with defects in the formation of facial bones.

Orthopantomography is a method of primary radiological examination of patients with dental anomalies. In most cases, orthopantomography provides sufficient information and becomes the main diagnostic method.

The ability to accurately determine the position of the rudiments of teeth, non-erupted and erupted teeth, determine their structure and relationship with neighboring teeth and anatomical de-tails of the jaws provides CT examination. Three-dimensional reconstruction of the CT image allows you to get additional information.


Keywords: anomalies, teeth, crowns of teeth, roots of teeth, atypical, orthopantomography, com-puted tomography.



Corresponding author: Arzhantsev A.P., e-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript


For citation: Arzhantsev A.P. Radiological manifestations of dental anomalies. REJR 2023; 13(1):5-17. DOI: 10.21569/2222-7415-2023-13-1-5-17.


Received: 01.02.23 Accepted: 22.02.23