Murtuzova А.B1., Serova N.S1., Korobkin А.S2., Larina О.М2., Vavin V.V2.,

Bakhtin А. А2., Sapegina О. А.2


1 - Sechenov University.

2 - National Medical Research Center of Otorhinolaryngology of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency. Moscow, Russia.



Purpose. Demonstration of computed tomography (CT) possibilities in a patient with a benign neoplasm of the ethmoidal labyrinth with the distribution into the orbit.

Materials and methods. We present the clinical observation of patient M., 18 years old, with com-plaints of nasal breathing difficulties on the left side, a neoplasm in the nasal cavity on the right side and lateral displacement of the left globe. In order to determine the nature of the changes, the patient was referred to the department of radiology, where a CT scan of the paranasal sinuses was performed to plan surgical treatment.

Results. After a CT scan of the paranasal sinuses, a bone density mass was visualized within the anterior cells of the ethmoidal bone, the precise localization and relationship to important anatom-ical structures was determined and virtual planning was performed to determine the extent and tac-tics of surgical treatment.

Discussion. Osteomas of the paranasal sinuses are usually asymptomatic and clinical mani-festations occur when osteomas became large. A highly informative radiological method, such as a CT scan, can detect this abnormality.

Conclusion. This clinical observation demonstrates the importance of CT scanning in patients with neoplasms in the ethmoidal labyrinth in order to plan the most precise surgical procedure, by accurately verifying important anatomical structures and the condition of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity.


Keywords: osteoma, ethmoidal labyrinth, computed tomography, paranasal sinuses.



Corresponding author: Murtuzova A.B., e-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript


For citation: Murtuzova А.B., Serova N.S., Korobkin А.S., Larina О.М., Vavin V.V., Bakhtin А. А., Sapegina О.А. Сomputed tomography in the diagnosis of osteoma of the ethmoidal labyrinth. REJR 2023; 13(1):103-110. DOI: 10.21569/2222-7415-2023-13-1-103-110.


Received: 07.02.23

Accepted: 22.02.23