Guseinova L.S.1,2, Kanner D.Yu.2, Shveikin A.O.2, Livshits M.V.2, Moskalets M.V.2, Voronov D.O.2, Bakhtiozin R.F.1


1- I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University).

2- Moscow City Oncological Hospital № 62. Moscow, Russia.


To demonstrate the capabilities of CT and MRI in determining treatment tactics for hepato- cellular carcinoma (HCC).

Materials and methods. The study included 61 patients with hepatocellular carcinoma. The patients underwent CT with dynamic contrast and multiparametric MRI. The diagnosis

was confirmed morphologically and (or) at least one other research method.

Results. According to the results of our research, a multimodal approach to CT and MRI changed the treatment tactics in 31.7% (from surgical treatment to antitumor drug therapy in 9.8%, from surgical treatment to transarterial chemoembolization (TACE) in 14.6%, from TACE to drug therapy in 7.3%), which is associated with the identification of tumor invasion into large vessels, ad- ditional small focal liver lesions and distant metastases. Thus, 1 patient received surgical treatment, 2 patients received surgical treatment and TACE, 3 patients received surgical treatment and anti- tumor drug therapy, and 6 patients received surgical treatment together with TACE and drug thera- py. 15 patients received drug therapy and TACE, 1 patient received drug therapy and radiofrequency ablation (RFA), 1 patient received drug therapy together with RFA and TACE, 23 patients received drug therapy alone. TACE without additional treatment was performed in 9 patients.

Discussion. According to the literature, the most sensitive methods for detecting HCC are MRI with diffusion-weighted images (DWI) and the use of hepagotospecific contrast agents in the hepato- biliary phase. The statistical pattern we have identified confirms these data. The article by Lan Qiong et al. it is also noted that for choosing treatment tactics, a more diagnostic method is the use of gadoxetic acid-enhanced MRI.

Conclusion. CT with dynamic contrast and multiparametric MRI have shown high diagnostic value in the assessment of hepatocellular cancer when planning radical surgery and changing treat- ment tactics.


Keywords: hepatocellular carcinoma, liver cancer, CT, MRI, BCLC staging classification, LI- RADS.


Corresponding author: Huseynova L.S., e-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript


For citation: Guseinova L.S., Kanner D.Yu., Shveikin A.O., Livshits M.V., Moskalets M.V., Voronov D.O., Bakhtiozin R.F. Diagnostic potential of CT and MRI in determining treatment tactics for hepatocel- lular carcinoma. REJR 2024; 14(4):109-121. DOI: 10.21569/2222-7415-2024-14-4-109-121.

Received:        15.10.24                 Accepted:      20.11.24