Repin L.V.1, Chipiga L.A.1,2,3, Biblin A.M.1, Akhmatdinov R.R.1, Vazhenina D.A.2
1 – P.V. Ramzaev Saint Petersburg Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene.
2 – A.M. Granov Russian Scientific Center of Radiology and Surgical Technologies.
3 – V.A. Almazov National Medical Research Center. Saint Petersburg, Russia.
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urpose. To evaluate the risk of oncological diseases developing associated with exposure to ionizing radiation during radionuclide diagnostics in patients from the Russian population of various genders and ages and to characterize this risk by calculating the expected number of years of healthy life lost. The study aims to analyze the obtained results.
Materials and Methods. The radiation risk assessment was performed using the most recent model from the International Commission on Radiological Protection. The DALY indicator, developed within the World Health Organization’s "Global Burden of Disease" project, was used to estimate the number of years of healthy life lost. Absorbed doses in organs characteristic of various types of radionuclide examinations were calculated based on standard activities of radionuclides administered to patients in radiopharmaceuticals, collected by specialists from the P.V. Ramzaev Research Institute of Radiation Hygiene in radionuclide diagnostics departments during 2012-2018, and dose coefficients specific to radiopharmaceuticals. Population risk calculations utilized data on the gender and age composition of the Russian population. The assessment of additional radiogenic morbidity using relative risk models was based on Russian data on cancer incidence levels among people of different genders and ages. Lifetime risk indicators were calculated using Russian data on cancer and overall mortality levels.
Results. DALY values were calculated for 14 types of radionuclide examinations of seven different anatomical regions in 36 gender and age groups of the Russian population. The study evaluated the ratio of the risk of developing fatal and non-fatal oncological diseases due to exposure to ionizing radiation during radionuclide diagnostics in patients of different genders and ages.
Discussion. The radiogenic DALY values for radionuclide diagnostics vary widely depending on the patient's gender and age, as well as the type of examination. The obtained estimates can be used for comparative analysis of radiation and non-radiation risks associated with X-ray radiological examinations and to compare the expected benefits of the examination with potential radiation harm. The results provide additional information on the nature of the possible consequences of radiation exposure on patients.
Conclusions. The DALY value can be used to inform patients and their legal representatives about the health risks associated with the examination. The contribution of fatal and non-fatal oncological diseases to the DALY value depending on the patient’s age shows a characteristic pattern for most types of examinations, where the contribution of non-fatal diseases increases with age. However, thyroid examinations show a fundamentally different situation.
Keywords: radionuclide diagnostics, radiation risk, radiation damage, medical exposure, patients.
Corresponding author: Biblin A.M., e-mail: Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript
For citation: Repin L.V., Chipiga L.A., Biblin A.M., Akhmatdinov R.R., Vazhenina D.A. Characterization of radiation risk associated with radionuclide diagnostics for the russian patients using disability-adjusted life years measure. REJR 2024; 14(4):189-203. DOI: 10.21569/2222-7415-2024-14-4-189-203.
Received: 16.08.24 Accepted: 10.10.24