Saakyan S.V., Amiryan A.G., Tatskov R.A., Andreeva T.A.
Purpose. To study the features of clinical findings and instrumental diagnostics methods in patients with parasitic lesions of the eye. |
Materials and methods. . A total of 36 patients (18 women, 18 men) with parasitic lesions of the eye aged from 9 to 74 years (average - 47.8±15,6) were examined and treated. In 33 patients, the process was located in different parts of the orbit, in two – in the periorbital soft tissues, in one patient – in the eye cavity. Dirofilariosis was confirmed in the majority of cases (32 patients, 88,9%), in 2 patients (5,5%) – hydatid cysts, in one case (2,8%) – cysticercosis and shistosomosis.
Results. Clinical features of parasitic lesions depended on the volume and localization of the pathological processes and were presented with edema and hyperemia of the eyelid skin, odema of the periorbital tissues, progressive proptosis, restrictive disorders of the eye muscles, double vision, ptosis. Instrumental diagnostics (ultrasound and CT) allowed determining the cystic nature of the lesions with perifocal changes around of it. In 18 pa-tients a spiral formation inside the cyst was revealed, which was indicative of the parasite presence in the cavity.
Conclusions. Dirofilariosis was the most frequently observed parasitic lesions of the eye. The clinical features of parasitic cysts are not specific that’s why it requires the inclusion of instrumental diagnostics methods in the examination scheme to exclude the variety of tumors and pseudotumors of the eye. Treatment of the eye parasitic lesions requires surgical intervention and in case of appropriate performance it helps achieving good therapeutic outcomes with a favorable prognosis.
Keywords: parasitic lesions of the eye, orbit, dirofilariosis, hydatid cysts.
Corresponding author: Amiryan A.G., Этот e-mail адрес защищен от спам-ботов, для его просмотра у Вас должен быть включен Javascript
For citation: Saakyan S.V., Amiryan A.G., Tatskov R.A., Andreeva T.A. Radiology of parasitic eye lesions. REJR.. 2016; 6 (2):16-21. DOI:10.21569/2222-7415-2016-6-2-16-21.
Received: 01.05.2016 Accepted: 11.05.2016